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M A Weekly Bulletin - CHABBAT MATOT / MASS’É – 22 JUILLET 2017/28 TAMMOUZ 5777

07/20/2017 05:34:21 PM




Friday Night
Candle Lighting: 8:16p

Shabbat Day
Shaharit - Minyan: 8:30a
Havdalah (end of shabbat): 9:28p


To Claude Helwani
on his Birthday, Ad 120!!!


To Ariel Chemtob
on his Birthday, Ad 120!!!


To Sasha Guindi
on his Birthday, Ad 120!!!


To Armand & Maggie (Magdalena) Levy
on their Wedding Anniversary,
Kol yom Besimha!!!

Hello/Bonjour [nickname_else_first_name],


Donc le jeûne de Tich’a Béav tombe le mardi 1er Août

Interdiction de manger de la viande ou boire du vin à partir de ce lundi soir jusqu’au

             Mercredi 2 Août, le lendemain du jeûne de Tich’a Béav.

Ce matin, nous lisons 2 Parachiot, Matot et Mass’é/  La Haftara de Mass’é



Moïse communique les lois régissant l’annulation des vœux aux chefs des Tribus d’Israël.La guerre est engagée contre Midian pour leur participation au complot pour la destruction morale d’Israël.

La Torah fait un récit détaillé du butin recueilli et de sa distribution entre le peuple, les combattants, les Lévites et le Grand-Prêtre.

Les tribus de Réouven et de Gad (rejointes ensuite par la moitié de la tribu de Ménaché) demandent que leur part de la Terre Promise leur soit attribuée à l’est du Jourdain, s’agissant d’un pâturage de choix pour leurs troupeaux. Moïse, d’abord irrité par cette demande, l’accepte sous la condition que ces tribus participent – et mènent – d’abord à la conquête des terres à l’ouest du Jourdain



Les quarante-deux étapes des enfants d’Israël depuis la sortie d’Égypte sont énumérées, depuis l’exode d’Égypte jusqu’aux plaines de Moab, sur le versant du fleuve faisant face à la terre de Canaan.

Les frontières de la Terre Promise sont indiquées et les villes de refuge sont désignées, qui serviront de lieu de protection et d’exil aux meurtriers involontaires. Les cinq filles de Tselof’had épousent des hommes de leur propre tribu (celle de Ménaché) afin d’y maintenir le territoire reçu en héritage de leur père.

Avec cette Paracha s’achève le livre de Bamidbar (le livre des Nombres), le quatrième livre de la Torah. (


D’habitude la Haftara de la semaine se rapporte à la Paracha. Mais depuis la semaine dernière, le choix des Haftarot a changé.  A partir du Chabbat suivant le jeûne du 17 Tamouz,  nous lisons 3 Haftarot qui parlent d’affliction et de lamentations, et seront suivies par 7 Haftarot dont le thème principal  est la consolation. Et puis  les 2 dernières Haftarot qui sont lues entre Ropch Hachana et Yom Kippour appellent la nation à se repentir , et une fois la Téchouva, acceptée, Hachem pardonnera à son peuple.

Quant aux Parachiot, nous terminons ce Chabbat la lecture du le 4 ème livre de la Torah et lirons le Chabbat prochain Parachat Dévarim qui tombe toujours le Chabbat précédent Tich’a Béav, et qui sera suivie de Vaéthanan , incluant la lecture des 10 commandements, qui est lue le Chabbat qui suit Tich’a Béav.



  1. Who may annul a vow?
    30:2 - Preferably, an expert in the laws of nedarim. Otherwise, three ordinary people.
  2. When may a father annul his widowed daughter's vows?
    30:10 - If she is under 12 1/2 years old and widowed before she was fully married.
  3. Why were the Jewish People not commanded to attack Moav, as they were to attack Midian?
    31:2 - Because Moav only acted out of fear against the Jewish People. Also, Ruth was destined to come from Moav.
  4. Those selected to fight Midian went unwillingly. Why?
    31:5 - They knew that Moshe's death would follow.
  5. What holy vessels accompanied the Jewish People into battle?
    31:6 - The aron and the tzitz.
  6. Those who killed in the war against Midian were required to remain outside the"machane" (camp). Which machane?
    31:19 - The Machane Shechina.
  7. Besides removing traces of forbidden food, what else is needed to make metal vessels obtained from a non-Jew fit for a Jewish owner?
    31:23 - Immersion in a mikve.
  8. "We will build sheep-pens here for our livestock and cities for our little ones." What was improper about this statement?
    32:16 - They showed more regard for their property than for their children.
  9. During the conquest of the Land, where did Bnei Gad and Bnei Reuven position themselves?
    32:17 - At the head of the troops.
  10. What promise did Bnei Gad and Bnei Reuven make beyond that which Moshe required?
    32:24 - Moshe required them to remain west of the Jordan during the conquest of the Land. They promised to remain after the conquest until the Land was divided among the tribes.


  1. Why does the Torah list the places where the Jewish People camped?
    33:1 - To show G-d's love of the Jewish People. Although
  2. ·  that they wander in the desert, they did not travel continuously. During 38 years, they moved only 20 times.
  3. ·  Why did the King of Arad feel at liberty to attack the Jewish People?
    33:40 - When Aharon died, the clouds of glory protecting the Jewish People departed.
  4. ·  What length was the camp in the midbar?
    33:49 - Twelve mil (one mil is 2,000 amot).
  5. ·  Why does the Torah need to specify the boundaries that are to be inherited by the Jewish People?
    34:2 - Because certain mitzvot apply only in the Land.
  6. ·  What was the nesi'im's role in dividing the Land?
    34:17 - Each nasi represented his tribe. He also allocated the inheritance to each family in his tribe.
  7. ·  When did the three cities east of the Jordan begin to function as refuge cities?
    35:13 - After Yehoshua separated three cities west of the Jordan.
  8. ·  There were six refuge cities, three on each side of the Jordan. Yet, on the east side of the Jordan there were only two and a half tribes. Why did they need three cities?
    35:14 - Because murders were more common there.
  9. ·  To be judged as an intentional murderer, what type of weapon must the murderer use?
    35:16 - One capable of inflicting lethal injury.
  10. (ohr Sameah)




"A child’s tears move the heavens themselves." ~~ Talmud, Nedarim

One does not keep children from school even to build the Temple." ~~ Talmud, Shabbat

Our sages recommended that a father should spend less than his means on food, up to his means on dress, and beyond his means for his wife and children." ~~ Maimonides

Have you ever heard of a son rejecting his mother beause he found a nicer one?" ~~ Achad Ha’am

Idleness causes boredom." ~~ Ketubot 5:5

"Men worry over the loss of their possessions, not over the loss of their years—which never return." ~~ Traditional Proverb


If you do not aspire to great things, you will not achieve even little ones." ~~ Imre Binah

"When a man is able to take abuse with a smile, he is worthy to become a leader. " ~~ Nachman

Let not your hand be open wide to take, and clenched at a time of giving back! " ~~ Ben Sira

A man is praised upon his entry according to his attire, upon his departure according to his wit.



(J’ai épuisé toutes les blagues en français- Let’s  smile in english)


A Birthday Present

A middle-aged Jewish guy is out to dinner with his wife to celebrate her 40th birthday. He says, "So what would you like, Sherry? A Jaguar? A sable coat? A diamond necklace?"
She says, "Morris, I want a divorce."

He says, "I wasn't planning on spending that much."

The Playoffs

Gottlieb called his Rabbi and said, "Rabbi, I know tonight is Kol Nidre, but tonight the Yankees start the playoffs. Rabbi, I'm a life-long Yankee fan.
I've GOT to watch the Yankee game on TV."
The Rabbi responds, "Gottlieb, that's what VCR's are for."
Gottlieb is surprised. "You mean I can tape Kol Nidre?"

The Newspaper

An elderly Jewish man is sitting on a park bench reading Rev. Farrakhan's anti-white and anti-Jewish newspaper. His best friend walks by, sees the paper, and stops in shock.
"What are you doing reading that paper? You should be reading the Jewish Journal!"
The elderly man replies, "the Jewish Journal has stories about intermarriage, anti-Semitism, problems in Israel... all kinds of troubles for the Jewish people.
I like to read about good news."
"Farrakhan's paper says...
The Jews have all the money... the Jews control the press... the Jews control the banks... the Jews control Hollywood. At my age it's better to read nothing but good news!"



David Hasson



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Tue, April 23 2024 15 Nisan 5784